
Name Type Description
groups Group[] List of groups.
items Item[] List of items.
data object User data.
Name Return type Description
constructor(data?: object) - data, a usable plain old JavaScript object defined by the user.
addGroup(group: Group) Adds a new Group to the Schema.
addItem(item: Item) Adds a new Item to the Schema.
addItems(items: Item[]) Adds multiple items to the Schema.


Name Type Description
name string Name of the group.
filters Filter[] List of filters.
data object User data.
Name Return type Description
constructor(name: string, data?: Pojo) - name, name of the group.
- data, a usable plain old JavaScript object defined by the user.
addFilter(filter: Filter) Adds a new Filter to the Group.
getFilterNames() string[] Returns a list of all filter names.


Name Type Description
name string Name of filter.
data object User data.


Name Type Description
data object User data.
Name Return type Description
constructor(data?: Pojo) - data, a usable plain old JavaScript object defined by the user.
addFilter(groupName: string, filterName: string) Specifies the
getGroupNames() Set<string> Returns a set of all Group names the Item is in.
getFilterNames(groupName: string) Set<string> Returns a set of all Filter names for a specific Group the Item is in.


Name Type Description
schema Schema
options FilteringOptions
Name Return type Description
constructor(schema: Schema, options?: FilteringOptions) - options


Name Return type Description
filterItem?(item: Item, schema: Schema, filterData: FilterData) boolean Called before Filtering.filter for each item. Returning true will consider the item for filtering and in the Result.


Name Type Description
checkedFilters Map<string, Set<string>> A map representing the checked Data (key: Group names; values: Filter names in the specific group).
Name Return type Description
checkFilter(groupName: string, filterName: string) Checks a Filter in a Group.
disableGroup(groupName: string) Unchecks all Filters in a Group. Also disables the Group, further checking Filter will have no effect on the Group.


Name Type Description
schema Schema The Schema used for filtering.
groups GroupResult[] List of GroupResult.
groupNames string[] List of Group names.
filteredItems Item[] List of all items that passed the filtering.
allItems Item[] List of all items considered for filtering.
Name Return type Description
getGroup(groupName: string) Group Returns a Group by name.

Note: Other functions are mainly relevant for the filtering algorithm to generate the result and shouldn’t be used by the user.


Name Type Description
schemaGroup Group The corresponding Group of the GroupResult.
filters FilterResult[] List of all FilterResults.
filteredItems Item[] List of all items in the Group that passed the filtering.
allItems Item[] List of all items in the Group considered for filtering.
Name Return type Description
getFilter(filterName: string) Filter Returns a Filter by name.

Note: Other functions are mainly relevant for the filtering algorithm to generate the result and shouldn’t be used by the user.


Name Type Description
schemaFilter Filter The corresponding Filter of the FilterResult.
filteredItems Item[] List of all items in the Filter that passed the filtering.
possibleItems Item[] List of all items in the Filter that could pass the filtering.
allItems Item[] List of all items in the Filter considered for filtering.

| Name | Return type | Description |

Note: Other functions are mainly relevant for the filtering algorithm to generate the result and shouldn’t be used by the user.


Name Type Description
root HTMLElement
options FilteringOptions
parser Parser
schema Schema
filtering Filtering
Name Return type Description
constructor(root: HTMLElement, options: FilteringFlowOptions}) - root, a HTML element containing all group, filter and item Elements.
- FilteringFlowOptions
initializeParser(parserOptions?: ParserOptions) Parser Defaults to initialize a Parser with default parserOptions. Subclass FilteringFlow and override to return custom Parser.
initializeSchema() Schema Defaults to initialize a Schema parsed by the Parser returned by FilteringFlow.initializeParser. Subclass FilteringFlow and override to return custom Schema.
initializeFiltering(filteringOptions?: FilteringOptions) Filtering Defaults to initialize Filtering by using the parsed Schema and default FilteringOptions. Subclass FilteringFlow and override to return custom Filtering.
initializeFilterListener() Adds a click listener to each Filter Element and triggers beforeFilter() and filter(). Subclass FilteringFlow and override to handle initializing listener by yourself.
beforeFilter(filterElement: HTMLElement) boolean Return true to trigger filter().
filter() Defaults to parse the checked Filters from HTML, generates the Result and calls handleFilterResult(Result).
handleFilterResult(result: Result) Defaults to add or remove the disabled filter class to every Filter Element and add or remove the filtered item class to every Item Element.

Note: Since the default behavior of FilteringFlow is to initialize a default Parser and Filtering, also check out the documentation of these classes. e.g.


Name Type Description
disabledFilterClass string CSS class that is added to a Filter when it is disabled.
Defaults to disabled.
filteredItemClass string CSS class that is added to an Item when it’s filtered.
Defaults to filtered.
triggerFilterAfterInitializing boolean If true, the filtering will be triggered after initializing the FilteringFlow.
Defaults to true.


Name Type Description
options ParserOptions
Name Return type Description
constructor(options?: ParserOptions) - options
parseSchemaFromHtml(root: HTMLElement, schema?: Schema) Schema Queries and parses Schema from a HTML Element. The parser queries for elements, which have to be descendants of the root, having the classes specified in ParserOptions. If a Schema is passed, the parsed Groups, Filters and Itesm will be added to this Schema, otherwise a new default Schema will be created.
- root, the HTML Element having Groups, Filters and Items as descendants.
-schema, optional Schema to use and add parsed Groups, Filters and Items. If no schema is passed, a new, default one will be created.
parseGroupsAndFiltersFromHtml(root: HTMLElement, schema: Schema) Queries and parses Groups and Filters from a HTML Element. The parser queries for elements, which have to be descendants of the root, having the classes specified in ParserOptions. Parsed Groups and Filters will be added to the Schema.
- root, the HTML Element having Groups and Filters as descendants.
parseItemsFromHtml(root: HTMLElement) Item[] Queries and parses Items from a HTML Element. The parser queries for elements, which have to be descendants of the root, having the classes specified in ParserOptions. Parsed Groups and Filters will be added to the Schema.
- root, the HTML Element having Groups and Filters as descendants.
parseCheckedFilterDataFromHtml(root: HTMLElement) FilterData - root, parse Schema from a HTML Element. The parser queries for elements having the classes specified in ParserOptions.


Name Type Description
groupClass string CSS class that is added to a Group Element.
Defaults to filtering-group.
filterClass string CSS class that is added to a Filter Element.
Defaults to filtering-filter.
itemClass string CSS class that is added to an Item Element.
Defaults to filtering-item.
itemFilterDataAttribute string Data attribute that is used to store the FilterData of an Item.
Defaults to data-filter.
itemCheckedClass string CSS class that is added to an Item Element when it is checked.
Defaults to checked.